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What’s Happening

Most Energy Savings!

09/19/18 Otsego Elementary

It was announced on Monday that Otsego Elementary had the most Energy Savings from last year - 35%! WAY TO SOAR ABOVE EAGLES!! We hope you enjoy your bookmarks! ;)


09/18/18 Parker Elementary

The Caribou Trivia is back! Check your emails every Monday and send your responses back to for your chance to win a Caribou Gift Card


09/18/18 Twin Lakes Elementary

The Caribou Trivia is back! Check your emails every Monday and send your responses back to for your chance to win a Caribou Gift Card

Welcome Back!

08/29/18 Rogers Elementary

Stay tuned for this year’s themes and activities!

Marker Recycling!

05/23/18 Salk Middle

Salk students are collecting used markers for recycling. Any brand is acceptable--even dry erase and highlighters!

Recycle Your Markers!

05/17/18 Rogers Elementary

Crayola has a program called ColorCycle, that allows schools to easily recycle our used/dried up markers. They can be any markers - not just the Crayola brand. You can read about the program here: Put your used markers in the box in the STEM lab! Here are some lesson plans that go along with the ColorCycle program:


05/14/18 Twin Lakes Elementary

Recycle: 4th graders used empty soup/veggie cans for flower planters. They had fun decorating them to look better than a planter from the store.

Last week to track PPP actions!

05/14/18 Rogers Elementary

Please remember to complete the Pledge, and have students record what they have taken action on at our PPP site by eod Thursday! Thanks for participating in this year’s theme - Power Down!

Earth Day

05/04/18 Salk Middle

Many classes ventured outside to pick up garbage in celebrating of being GREEN for Earth Day!

Reminder to Take Action!

05/01/18 Rogers Elementary

It’s not too late! Keep earning Power Points. Stay tuned to the Rogers Rockets News program for ways you can still earn Power Points for our school.